Space Allocation
At MicroBiotics Research Laboratory, priorities are given to research activities that align closely with MicroBiotics’ vision of applied microbiology, genetics and bioscience, with particular interest in food enhancement, phytomedicine, genetic-modified crops/foods, disease investigation, enzyme biotechnology, environmental remediation. For assignment of space, priority will be given to researchers in these areas first before others.
Researchers should apply for space on the firm’s online page (below) on time, preferably two weeks or a month (or more) in advance to allow planning of spaces for various clients. The Laboratory Manager will review the applications and current lab/office space allocation to determine best utilization of the laboratory resources. Researchers can also apply for external grant funding through MicroBiotics.
Best efforts will be made to maintain the existing lab/office space assignments for researchers as long as their applications warrant that space. Lab/office space for ‘emergency’ researches is only allocated for short duration (a day or two), and priority will be given to in-house researchers, that is, researchers who are working for MicroBiotics.
Policies and Fees
Fees are determined by international practices and by current costs of maintenance. They are therefore subjected to changes as determined by the research firm. Laboratory space can contain minimum of 1 to maximum of 4 persons working at the same time. Laboratory generally opens by 8 am (or earlier in cases of timed experimental) and closes by 5 pm (or later in cases of delays in rounding up daily work) from Sunday to Friday. Special consideration is given to overnight works, and they may attract moderate charges.
The rates (per person per day or week) are provided below in the form section. They come with discounts for weekly and monthly periods. These fees will be exempted for training participants, who would have paid for training fees. Facility and lab-space fees cover electricity, laboratory wears (shoes and coats), all laboratory equipment use, and caretaker availability. The fees do not cover consumables and reagents. Researchers would have to provide those by themselves or be sourced for by the laboratory on their behalf. Damages would be paid for separately after determining the cost.
Please note that works funded by MicroBiotics would be given priority and will come at no cost to the participants except damages if not covered.
To make use of the laboratory, kindly fill the form below:
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